Saturday, January 2, 2010


Finally, I am writing this blog! So what to write about? What would be a great way to start this fashion and sewing blog? What would be an interesting fashion and sewing journey to talk about? Something that my readers will follow reading? Hahaha…. That is assuming that I will capture some readers! I’m scared that I will end up reading and visiting my blogs several times a day just to generate traffic! Well I can always force my husband to just please go ahead and read by blog instead of trying to figure out why I am up at night smiling and sometimes laughing in front of my computer. I can force my friends to please read and visit it. Or threaten my family and relatives to do the same? Or maybe make it a requirement for my students to visit my blog? Or better yet beg my two little techie boys to visit this site as often as they can?

So what to expect from this blog?  If I have to group my ideas for this blogs - it will fall into these major categories:
  • Fashion News - Interesting fashion news and fashion forecasts.
  • Sewing Tips and Ideas - Educational sewing tips and ideas such as how to texturize fabrics, how to make circle skirts, etc. 
  • Feature Fashion Designers - I will be featuring some great fashion design ideas from my friends, students, readers, etc. (including mine of course!)
  • Fashion Challenges
Fashion Challenges? Well, in the world of reality shows, in particular, fashion reality shows – the word Fashion Challenge is now a major addition to fashion vocabulary. So what is a Fashion Challenge? It is a dare to engage in a fashion struggle, contest, competition, etc. using fashion skills, talents and strengths. Yes! Now ... I just found the inspiration on the question what kind of fashion and sewing journey to talk about first? FASHION CHALLENGES! To make this blog interesting I will engage in fashion challenges and engage my readers as well! These fashion challenges will walk us to the journey of exploring fashion design using the ability to manipulate the elements and principles of designs and maximizing acquired sewing skills.

My dear, watch out for my next blog as I drag you along with me to the world of fashion challenges!

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